Monday, March 17, 2014

Prepare for the final battle


It has been a long time though since i write my last post. I'm kind of busy lately wth lots of assignments, quizzes, tests and yeah final is just around the corner.

Dalam tak sedar, dah nak habis zaman matrikulasi kat pilah. How time flies isn't it ? Besar dah anak mak, dah nak sembilan belas tahun. Boleh kahwin dah kot ? Er haha okay no comment.

While i'm writing this post, actually it is science computer class and teacher has a work to do. Jadi kami pun apa lagi, ambil kesempatan lah on internet sat. HAHA. *peluang keemasan jangan dilepaskan

Lepasni bila aku baca balik post ni, tears must be dropping from my eyes. Remembering those moments at matrics. I swear ! I don't want to leave my friends. Those moments with them are priceless. NO ONE could ever replace them in my heart. Uhibukifillahjiddan ya ukhti. Sayang kau orang walaupun kau orang suka bahan aku apa semua tapi haha takpa. Life kan seronok. I take it as a joke. No hard feeling ok.

Otak serabut gila sekarang cause lo of things to be cover. Semua subjek aku risau. Risau tak dapat jawab time exam nanti. But before the exam starts, I'll make sure myself get fully prepared. Guys, doakan aku ye.

So I think sampai sini jelah kot. Idea tak ada sebenarnya haha. So till we meet again XOXO